Result per Symbol MT5


May 28, 2024


At EASY Trading Team, we pride ourselves on bridging the gap between advanced trading strategies and accessible programming solutions. One of our significant achievements in this domain has been developing a trading robot inspired by the Result per Symbol MT5. In this article, we will detail the process of creating, testing, and optimizing this robot. We'll also delve into the challenges we faced and the technologies we employed to overcome them. For those curious to learn more, the original review is available on the official website here.

Development Process​

Our journey began with a thorough analysis of the market requirements and the functionalities outlined in the Result per Symbol MT5 review. The first step was to design the algorithm that would underpin our trading robot. We focused on the following key components:

- Market Analysis Module: This module is responsible for analyzing market trends and making predictions based on historical data.
- Trading Strategy Module: Defines the specific strategies the robot will employ, including entry and exit points, stop losses, and take profits.
- Risk Management Module: Ensures that the robot adheres to predefined risk parameters to protect the user's investment.

Each module was meticulously coded using MQL5, a powerful language designed specifically for trading robots on the MetaTrader 5 platform.

Testing and Optimization​

After coding the initial version of the robot, we moved on to testing and optimization. This phase involved backtesting the robot on historical data to ensure its effectiveness. We used the MetaTrader 5 Strategy Tester for this purpose, running multiple simulations across different market conditions. Our goals were to:

- Identify any bugs or issues in the code.
- Optimize parameters to enhance performance.
- Validate the robot's ability to generate consistent profits.

We iterated this process multiple times, refining the strategy and tweaking the algorithm until we achieved satisfactory results.

Challenges and Solutions​

No development process is without its hurdles, and ours was no exception. Some of the challenges we faced included:

- Data Quality: Ensuring the historical data used for backtesting was accurate and representative of real market conditions.
- Performance Optimization: Making the algorithm efficient enough to execute trades without significant delays.
- Risk Management: Balancing profitability with risk to ensure the robot didn't take on excessive risk.

To address these issues, we leveraged advanced data processing techniques and employed rigorous testing methodologies to validate our solutions.

Source Code of Result per Symbol MT5​

It's crucial to note that we do not have access to the original source code of the Result per Symbol MT5 sold on MQL5. However, based on the detailed description available, we have created an example code that replicates its core functionalities. This code is available for users to test, modify, and use as a learning tool.

Our aim is to provide a comprehensive example that can serve as a foundation for your own custom trading robots, rather than selling the original Result per Symbol MT5.

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Download the Example Code for Result per Symbol MT5 -​

If you are interested in exploring the example code based on the Result per Symbol MT5 description, feel free to download it from our forum at Should you have any questions about the code or its functionalities, please do not hesitate to ask. Remember, this is an educational tool created by the EASY Trading Team, inspired by the original robot available on MQL5. We do not sell the Result per Symbol MT5 robot; our focus is solely on providing educational resources based on its described functionalities.

In conclusion, developing a trading robot like Result per Symbol MT5 requires a deep understanding of both market dynamics and advanced programming. We hope this article has shed some light on our process and encourages you to explore further.


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At EASY Trading Team, we pride ourselves on bridging the gap between advanced trading strategies and accessible programming solutions. One of our significant achievements in this domain has been developing a trading robot inspired by the Result per Symbol MT5. In this article, we will detail the process of creating, testing, and optimizing this robot. We'll also delve into the challenges we faced and the technologies we employed to overcome them. For those curious to learn more, the original review is available on the official website here.

Development Process​

Our journey began with a thorough analysis of the market requirements and the functionalities outlined in the Result per Symbol MT5 review. The first step was to design the algorithm that would underpin our trading robot. We focused on the following key components:

- Market Analysis Module: This module is responsible for analyzing market trends and making predictions based on historical data.
- Trading Strategy Module: Defines the specific strategies the robot will employ, including entry and exit points, stop losses, and take profits.
- Risk Management Module: Ensures that the robot adheres to predefined risk parameters to protect the user's investment.

Each module was meticulously coded using MQL5, a powerful language designed specifically for trading robots on the MetaTrader 5 platform.

Testing and Optimization​

After coding the initial version of the robot, we moved on to testing and optimization. This phase involved backtesting the robot on historical data to ensure its effectiveness. We used the MetaTrader 5 Strategy Tester for this purpose, running multiple simulations across different market conditions. Our goals were to:

- Identify any bugs or issues in the code.
- Optimize parameters to enhance performance.
- Validate the robot's ability to generate consistent profits.

We iterated this process multiple times, refining the strategy and tweaking the algorithm until we achieved satisfactory results.

Challenges and Solutions​

No development process is without its hurdles, and ours was no exception. Some of the challenges we faced included:

- Data Quality: Ensuring the historical data used for backtesting was accurate and representative of real market conditions.
- Performance Optimization: Making the algorithm efficient enough to execute trades without significant delays.
- Risk Management: Balancing profitability with risk to ensure the robot didn't take on excessive risk.

To address these issues, we leveraged advanced data processing techniques and employed rigorous testing methodologies to validate our solutions.

Source Code of Result per Symbol MT5​

It's crucial to note that we do not have access to the original source code of the Result per Symbol MT5 sold on MQL5. However, based on the detailed description available, we have created an example code that replicates its core functionalities. This code is available for users to test, modify, and use as a learning tool.

Our aim is to provide a comprehensive example that can serve as a foundation for your own custom trading robots, rather than selling the original Result per Symbol MT5.

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Download the Example Code for Result per Symbol MT5 -​

If you are interested in exploring the example code based on the Result per Symbol MT5 description, feel free to download it from our forum at Should you have any questions about the code or its functionalities, please do not hesitate to ask. Remember, this is an educational tool created by the EASY Trading Team, inspired by the original robot available on MQL5. We do not sell the Result per Symbol MT5 robot; our focus is solely on providing educational resources based on its described functionalities.

In conclusion, developing a trading robot like Result per Symbol MT5 requires a deep understanding of both market dynamics and advanced programming. We hope this article has shed some light on our process and encourages you to explore further.
While EASY Trading Team indeed claims to bridge the gap between advanced trading strategies and accessible programming solutions, I would argue that such a claim needs certain proofs to back it up. A clear example or case study would provide credibility to such an assertion.

Don’t get me wrong, the prospect of integrating sophisticated trading methods with user-friendly programming is an exciting one for the world of finance. However, it can be challenging to execute, especially considering the dynamic nature of trading strategies which are often vulnerable to changes in market conditions. The adaptability and robustness of such programming solutions under high market volatilities must therefore be duly tested and assured.

Moreover, for MT5 specifically, I have some reservations. In my opinion, while MT5 poses as a significant upgrade to the MT4 platform, it also brings several complexities and intricacies with it. Therefore, a seamless integration requires not just making the programming solutions accessible, but also ensuring that the end-user has a sound understanding of such advanced trading strategies and how they're being implemented in programming solutions.

I genuinely hope that the EASY Trading Team is considering these aspects and looking forward to seeing their detailed plan of action in this regard. It will be interesting to see how they manage these obstacles and create a harmonious blend of advanced trading strategies and accessible programming solutions.
I've been closely observing the Result per Symbol MT5 and I must say, the EASY Trading Team has made quite an impressive stride in making advanced trading strategies more user-friendly. The simplicity in design and functionality definitely makes it more accessible for the new generation of traders like myself who are more data-driven.

The integration of statistical data in real-time is a game-changer, as it allows for timely decision-making, which is crucial in this fast-paced trading environment. The transparency it offers is commendable and it has definitely made my analysis more objective.

However, while the system has its merits, there are areas where it can be improved. For instance, I noticed a slight delay in the execution of trades when the market is particularly volatile. This could potentially affect the profitability of trades, especially for those of us who thrive in high-volatility environments.

Moreover, the system could benefit greatly from a more comprehensive tutorial or guide, especially for those who are new to the trading scene. While the interface is relatively straightforward, the lack of a guide makes the learning curve steep for beginners.

Overall, despite the minor issues, I find the Result per Symbol MT5 a promising tool that combines advanced trading strategies and programming solutions. It's a step in the right direction to make trading more accessible and efficient. I look forward to seeing how this platform will evolve in the future.