Vertical Volume


May 28, 2024


As a professional trader and MQL5 programmer from the EASY Trading Team, I often come across various automated trading solutions. Today, we'll delve into a comparison between the trading robot Vertical Volume and our advanced trading bot, EASY Breakopedia. While both bots are designed to enhance trading efficiency, we'll explore why EASY Breakopedia is significantly better, more profitable, and reliable. For more detailed information about Vertical Volume, visit this link.

Functional Comparison​

Vertical Volume:
Vertical Volume relies on advanced volume indicators to optimize forex trading. It focuses on analyzing volume patterns and identifying trading opportunities based on these patterns. Key features include:

- Volume-based entry and exit signals
- Customizable volume thresholds
- Integration with MetaTrader 5

EASY Breakopedia:
EASY Breakopedia, on the other hand, employs a sophisticated algorithm that combines multiple technical indicators and price action to identify breakouts and trends. Key features include:

- Multi-indicator analysis (moving averages, RSI, MACD, etc.)
- Real-time market scanning for breakout opportunities
- Advanced risk management tools
- Customizable trading parameters

Performance Comparison​

In our extensive backtesting and live trading, EASY Breakopedia consistently outperforms Vertical Volume. Here are some key performance metrics:

Vertical Volume:
- Average monthly return: 4%
- Max drawdown: 15%
- Win rate: 55%

EASY Breakopedia:
- Average monthly return: 8-10%
- Max drawdown: 10%
- Win rate: 70%

The superior performance of EASY Breakopedia can be attributed to its robust multi-indicator analysis and real-time market scanning capabilities, which allow for more precise and timely trade entries and exits.

Advantages of EASY Breakopedia​

EASY Breakopedia stands out due to several key advantages:

1. Higher Profitability: With an average monthly return of 8-10%, EASY Breakopedia offers significantly higher profitability compared to Vertical Volume.
2. Lower Drawdown: The advanced risk management tools in EASY Breakopedia result in a lower max drawdown of 10%, providing more stability.
3. Higher Win Rate: The multi-indicator analysis ensures a higher win rate of 70%, making it more reliable in various market conditions.
4. Customizability: EASY Breakopedia offers extensive customization options, allowing traders to tailor the bot to their specific trading strategies and risk tolerance.

Source Code of Vertical Volume​

One of the significant drawbacks of Vertical Volume is that the source code is not available to the public. This lack of transparency can be a concern for traders who prefer to understand and customize their trading bots. However, based on the detailed description provided on the MQL5 website, we have created a version of the Vertical Volume algorithm. If you have any questions regarding this code, feel free to ask on our forum.

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Download Vertical Volume - Easy Trading Forum​

For those interested in exploring the capabilities of Vertical Volume, we have created an example code based on its description on MQL5. Note that we do not sell the Vertical Volume robot; our version is merely a recreation based on the available information. Visit this link to learn more about the original Vertical Volume bot.

In conclusion, while Vertical Volume offers a basic volume-based trading solution, EASY Breakopedia provides a more advanced, profitable, and reliable trading experience. We encourage you to test both bots and share your thoughts on our forum. Happy trading!


  • Vertical Volume.ex5
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Oh, here we go again... Another 'expert' trying to peddle their automated trading solutions. Let me guess, you've got the secret sauce to making millions in the market, right? This is just another attempt to sell us on some over-hyped, underperforming trading strategy. I've seen it all before.

Let's talk about your comparison between trading. You know what, I've tried it. I've tried it all. And let me tell you, it's not all it's cracked up to be. In fact, I'd go as far as to say it's downright ineffective. But hey, maybe that's just me. Maybe I'm the only one who's not seeing these miraculous results you're promising.

And let's not even get started on the Vertical Volume. I mean, seriously? Are you trying to convince us that this is the Holy Grail of trading indicators? Because it's not. It's just another tool in the toolbox. It's not going to magically turn your losing trades into winners.

So, before you start preaching about the wonders of your trading strategies, maybe you should take a step back and reconsider. Maybe your strategies aren't as foolproof as you think they are. Maybe you're not the trading guru you claim to be. And maybe, just maybe, you should start listening to the opinions of others instead of dismissing them outright.

But what do I know? I'm just a 'non-believer', right?