Somewhere over the rainbow


May 28, 2024


In the world of forex trading, there are various methods to approach the market, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Two prominent methods include manual trading and using automated trading systems like the forex robot Somewhere over the rainbow. This article aims to compare these two approaches in detail, highlighting their pros and cons. We also encourage our readers to share their own experiences and preferences.

Manual Trading​

Manual trading involves making trading decisions based on one's own analysis of the market. This can include technical analysis, fundamental analysis, or a combination of both.

- Flexibility: Traders can adapt to changing market conditions in real-time.
- Personal Insight: Decisions are based on the trader's own research and experience.
- Emotional Satisfaction: Successful trades can provide a sense of achievement.

- Time-Consuming: Requires constant monitoring of the market.
- Emotional Bias: Can lead to poor decisions influenced by emotions.
- Limited by Human Capacity: Inability to monitor multiple markets or execute trades with high frequency.

Trading with the Somewhere over the rainbow Robot​

Somewhere over the rainbow is an optimized trading software designed to automate trading decisions. You can find detailed information about this robot on its official review page:

- Automation: Executes trades without manual intervention, 24/7.
- Consistent Strategy: Adheres strictly to the pre-defined trading algorithm.
- Reduced Emotional Influence: Eliminates emotional biases and human error.

- Dependence on Technology: Requires stable internet and reliable platforms.
- Lack of Flexibility: Cannot adapt to sudden market changes outside its programmed parameters.
- Understanding Required: Traders need to understand the robot’s settings and optimize as needed.

Advantages and Disadvantages​

Both manual trading and automated trading with robots like Somewhere over the rainbow have their own sets of pros and cons. Manual trading offers flexibility and the ability to use personal insights but can be time-consuming and emotionally taxing. On the other hand, automated trading provides consistency and operates without emotional bias, but it lacks the ability to adapt to unexpected market conditions and requires a reliable technical setup.


Choosing between manual trading and using an automated trading system like Somewhere over the rainbow depends on your trading style, availability, and level of expertise. We encourage traders to experiment with both methods to find which suits them best and to share their experiences and preferences in our community.

Source Code for Somewhere over the rainbow​

It's important to note that we do not have access to the original source code for the Somewhere over the rainbow robot sold on MQL5, but we can create a similar code based on its description. If you have any questions about the code, feel free to ask us at Our team, EASY Trading Team, does not sell the Somewhere over the rainbow robot but has developed a code based on its description.

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Download Free Somewhere over the rainbow Trading Robot Example​

For those interested in exploring a trading robot inspired by the Somewhere over the rainbow, you can download an example from This is a demonstration code based on the described features of the original robot. Remember, our team does not sell the original Somewhere over the rainbow robot; instead, we provide an educational and illustrative example based on its advertised capabilities.


  • Somewhere over the rainbow.ex5
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