Set Symbol For All Charts


May 28, 2024


In the world of Forex trading, efficiency and streamlined processes are key to success. The Set Symbol For All Charts trading robot has been designed to enhance trading experiences by allowing traders to update symbols across multiple charts simultaneously. In this article, we will delve into the process of developing, testing, and optimizing this innovative Forex software by the EASY Trading Team. We will also discuss the challenges encountered and the technologies employed. For more detailed information, you can visit the official review page at here.

Development Process​

The development of Set Symbol For All Charts began with thorough research on the needs of Forex traders. We identified that many traders required a tool to quickly change the symbol across multiple charts without manually updating each one. With this in mind, our team utilized the MQL5 programming language due to its robust features for creating automated trading solutions.

Our first step was to define the core functionality of the robot:
1. Detect open charts in the MetaTrader 5 platform.
2. Update the symbol on all detected charts with a single command.
3. Ensure compatibility with various chart types and trading strategies.

We implemented these features by leveraging MQL5's Chart and Symbol functions. The core algorithm was designed to iterate through open charts and update each one based on user input. This approach helped us create a user-friendly and efficient tool.

Testing and Optimization​

Testing was a crucial phase in our development process. We conducted rigorous testing in both simulated and live trading environments to ensure the robot performed as expected. Key aspects of testing included:
- Speed of symbol updates across multiple charts.
- Stability and reliability under different market conditions.
- Compatibility with various broker platforms.

We also sought feedback from a group of beta testers who provided invaluable insights. Their experiences helped us fine-tune the robot for optimal performance. Optimization efforts focused on enhancing speed and reducing the load on system resources.

Challenges and Solutions​

During development, several challenges arose:
1. Synchronization Issues: Ensuring all charts updated simultaneously was challenging. We addressed this by implementing synchronized update calls within the algorithm.
2. Resource Management: Handling multiple charts efficiently without consuming excessive system resources required fine-tuning. We optimized the code to minimize CPU and memory usage.
3. User Interface: Creating an intuitive interface that allowed easy symbol changes was essential. We developed a simple input dialog that streamlined user interaction.

Source Code of Set Symbol For All Charts​

It's important to note that we do not have access to the original source code of the Set Symbol For All Charts robot sold on MQL5. However, based on the description and functionality outlined on the MQL5 marketplace, we have created our version. If users have any questions about the code, they are encouraged to ask.

For those interested in our example code, you can find a detailed implementation at Remember, our team at EASY Trading Team does not sell the Set Symbol For All Charts robot; we've simply developed a version based on its functionality.

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Download Set Symbol For All Charts - Streamlined Trading Software​

If you are eager to streamline your Forex trading experience with Set Symbol For All Charts, we invite you to explore our detailed guide and example code. Should you have any questions about the coding process or the functionalities of the robot, feel free to reach out to us at This example is provided based on the description available on the MQL5 marketplace and showcases our team's capability in developing effective trading tools.


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