Psychological Levels For Multi Pair


Apr 15, 2024


Welcome to this comprehensive guide on utilizing the Psychological Levels For Multi Pair trading robot. This tool is designed to identify psychological levels such as 100, 250, and 1000 pip marks, which can be crucial in your trading strategy. As pointed out, the price does react to these levels, making this tool highly effective if used correctly. In this guide, we'll explore how to install and set up the robot, share some insights from our own experience, and provide tips to maximize its efficiency.

[HEADING=2]Installation and Setup[/HEADING]

Setting up the Psychological Levels For Multi Pair trading robot is straightforward if you follow these steps closely:

[*]First, download the robot from [URL=]this link[/URL].
[*]Open MetaTrader 5 (MT5) on your desktop and go to 'File' > 'Open Data Folder'.
[*]Navigate to 'MQL5' > 'Experts' and paste the downloaded file into this folder.
[*]Restart MT5 to allow the platform to recognize the new robot.
[*]Go to 'Navigator' > 'Expert Advisors', then drag and drop the Psychological Levels For Multi Pair onto your desired chart.
[*]In the settings window, configure parameters such as desired currency pairs and pip levels (100, 250, 1000) to meet your trading strategy.
[*]Click 'OK' to activate the robot.

[HEADING=2]Experience Using the Robot[/HEADING]

In my experience, this trading robot offers a disciplined approach to trading psychological levels, which are often key pivot points in the market. However, don't expect it to be a magic bullet for your trading woes. Like any other trading tool, it requires careful monitoring and periodic adjustments based on market conditions.

On a particularly volatile day, I noticed the robot reacted well to the 100-pip levels, providing timely and accurate signals. Still, it’s crucial to combine these signals with other forms of analysis to make informed decisions. The Psychological Levels For Multi Pair is a good tool, but it's not a substitute for a comprehensive trading strategy.

[HEADING=2]Tips for Improving Efficiency[/HEADING]

Here are some practical tips to get the best out of the Psychological Levels For Multi Pair trading robot:

[*][B]Regular Updates:[/B] Keep the robot updated with the latest version to ensure optimal performance.
[*][B]Combine Strategies:[/B] Use in conjunction with other indicators like Moving Averages or RSI for more reliable signals.
[*][B]Backtesting:[/B] Run backtests to understand how well the robot performs under different market conditions.
[*][B]Risk Management:[/B] Always set proper stop-loss and take-profit levels to mitigate risks.
[*][B]Monitor Performance:[/B] Regularly check the robot's performance and tweak settings as needed.

[HEADING=2]Source Code of Psychological Levels For Multi Pair[/HEADING]

We do not have the original source code for the Psychological Levels For Multi Pair robot sold on MQL5. However, based on the description available on MQL5, our team at EASY Trading Team has created a code that emulates its functions.

If you have any specific questions about the code or need adjustments, feel free to reach out. Remember, our version is just an interpretation and might not exactly replicate the original robot sold on MQL5.

//| |
//| Expert initialization function |
int OnInit()
// Initialization
Print(Psychological Levels For Multi Pair EA initialized);
// Add any initialization code here
// Parameters setup, indicators initialization, etc.
//| Expert deinitialization function |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
// De-initialization
Print(Psychological Levels For Multi Pair EA de-initialized with reason: , reason);
// Add any cleanup code here
// Closing files, releasing resources, etc.
//| Expert tick function |
void OnTick()
// Retrieving and analyzing market data
Print(Processing tick for: , Symbol());
//| Retrieves and analyzes market data |
void SymbolData()
// Code to retrieve symbol data
// Example: EURUSD, GBPUSD, etc.
Print(Retrieving symbol data for: , Symbol());

//| Market analysis and indicator calculations |
void MarketAnalysis()
// Example: Moving Average, RSI, MACD calculation
double ma = iMA(Symbol(), 0, 14, 0, MODE_SMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 0);
double rsi = iRSI(Symbol(), 0, 14, PRICE_CLOSE, 0);
Print(MA: , ma, , RSI: , rsi);
//| Order execution and management |
void OrderManagement()
// Example: Placing Buy/Sell orders based on analysis
double ask = SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol(), SYMBOL_ASK);
double bid = SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol(), SYMBOL_BID);
double lotSize = CalculateLotSize();

// Example condition
if(ask > bid)
// Placing a buy order
int ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, lotSize, ask, 3, 0, 0, Buy order, MAGIC_NUMBER, 0, Green);
if(ticket < 0)
Print(Error opening buy order on , Symbol(), Error code: , GetLastError());

// Additional order management logic (e.g., stop-loss, take-profit, trailing stop)
//| Dynamic lot size calculation based on account equity |
double CalculateLotSize()
double equity = AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_EQUITY);
double risk = 0.01; // Risk as 1% of equity
double lotSize = equity * risk / 1000; // Assuming 1000 is a standard lot size
return lotSize;
//| Error handling for all functions |
void ErrorHandler(int errorCode)
Print(Error occurred: , errorCode);
// Additional error handling code here
//| Configuration Parameters |
// Define input parameters for EA
input double RiskPercentage = 1.0; // Risk Percentage per trade
input int MA_Period = 14; // Moving Average period
input int RSI_Period = 14; // RSI period
input double LotSize = 0.1; // Default lot size

// MAGIC_NUMBER constant
#define MAGIC_NUMBER 123456

//| Main function for running EA |
void OnStart()
// Ensure the EA is backtesting compatible
Print(EA running in Strategy Tester mode);
// Additional backtesting configuration here
//| Provides real-time status updates and notifications |
void StatusReporting()
// Example: Log current equity and open positions
double equity = AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_EQUITY);
int openPositions = PositionsTotal();
Print(Current equity: , equity, , Open positions: , openPositions);
//| Provides performance metrics and trade history |
void ExportTradeHistory()
// Example: Export to CSV file
int fileHandle = FileOpen(TradeHistory.csv, FILE_WRITE|FILE_CSV);
if(fileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE)
FileWrite(fileHandle, Ticket, Symbol, Volume, Profit);
for(int i = 0; i < OrdersHistoryTotal(); i++)
FileWrite(fileHandle, OrderTicket(), OrderSymbol(), OrderLots(), OrderProfit());
Print(Trade history exported);
Print(Failed to open file for trade history export);

[HEADING=2]Download Psychological Levels For Multi Pair Trading Robot Now[/HEADING]

Ready to add a powerful tool to your trading arsenal? Download the Psychological Levels For Multi Pair trading robot from [URL=]this link[/URL] and start optimizing your trades today. Should you have any questions or require further customization, don't hesitate to get in touch. Our team at EASY Trading Team is here to help you succeed.

That’s about it. Nothing too complicated, just a straightforward tool that might make your trading life a bit easier. But don't forget, it's not a magic wand. You still need to put in the work.