Net TP Net SL Setter


Apr 15, 2024


As an experienced trader and MQL5 programmer from the EASY Trading Team, I've had the pleasure of exploring various trading robots over the years. One that stands out is the Net TP Net SL Setter, which has garnered attention for its unique approach to optimizing forex trades. In this article, we'll dive into real-life case studies showcasing both successful and unsuccessful trades made using this robot. These examples will help us understand the factors contributing to its performance, guided by user feedback and statistical analysis available on our website.

Examples of Successful Trades​

The Net TP Net SL Setter has delivered impressive results for many traders, primarily due to its adaptive trading strategy. One user, John, reported a 25% increase in his account balance over three months. He attributed his success to the robot's ability to set optimized take profit (TP) and stop loss (SL) levels based on market conditions.

Case Study: EUR/USD

John traded the EUR/USD pair, and the robot's algorithm managed to capture a series of profitable trades during a trending market. By dynamically adjusting TP and SL levels, the robot ensured profits were locked in while minimizing losses. As a result, John saw consistent gains, ultimately boosting his confidence in the system.

Case Study: GBP/JPY

Another user, Sarah, shared her experience trading GBP/JPY. Despite the pair's volatility, the Net TP Net SL Setter effectively navigated the market's ups and downs. Sarah noted that the robot's ability to adapt to changing market conditions was crucial to her success, resulting in a 15% account growth in two months.

Examples of Unsuccessful Trades​

While the Net TP Net SL Setter has shown promise, it's not without its shortcomings. Some traders have encountered losses, primarily due to market unpredictability and improper configurations.

Case Study: USD/CHF

Mike, a novice trader, experienced a 10% drawdown while trading USD/CHF. The robot's performance was hindered by sudden market reversals, leading to consecutive stop-outs. Mike realized that his initial settings were too aggressive, highlighting the importance of proper configuration and continuous monitoring.

Case Study: AUD/NZD

Lisa, an experienced trader, faced challenges trading AUD/NZD. Despite her expertise, the robot struggled during periods of low volatility, resulting in a series of small losses. Lisa concluded that the Net TP Net SL Setter might be better suited for more volatile pairs.

Analysis of Successes and Failures​

The success of the Net TP Net SL Setter largely depends on market conditions and user settings. Traders who have achieved significant gains often credit their success to the robot's dynamic adjustment capabilities and their own vigilance in monitoring and tweaking settings.

Conversely, unsuccessful trades usually stem from factors such as:
- Improper initial configuration
- Overly aggressive risk settings
- Inappropriate market conditions for the chosen trading pair

User feedback underscores the importance of understanding the robot's mechanics and adapting strategies to current market environments.


The Net TP Net SL Setter has proven to be a valuable tool for many traders, offering a blend of automated efficiency and adaptive strategy. However, its success is not guaranteed and depends heavily on user input and market conditions. We encourage traders to share their experiences and insights on our forum to foster a community of learning and improvement.

Source Code for Net TP Net SL Setter​

It's important to note that the original source code for the Net TP Net SL Setter, as sold on MQL5, is not publicly available. However, the EASY Trading Team has developed a code based on the detailed description provided on the MQL5 website. This code serves as an educational example and is not for sale. We invite traders to review and modify this code to suit their trading strategies.

If you have any questions about the code or its implementation, feel free to ask on our forum. We'll be happy to assist you.

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Download Net TP Net SL Setter - Optimize Your Forex Trades​

For those looking to enhance their trading performance, consider downloading the Net TP Net SL Setter and experiencing its benefits firsthand. Share your experiences and strategies with the community to help us all grow together.

By sharing your stories and insights, we can collectively improve our trading strategies and make the most of tools like the Net TP Net SL Setter. Happy trading!


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