MFM BreakOut


May 28, 2024


Trading in the Forex market offers traders two primary avenues: manual trading and automated trading using specialized software like the MFM BreakOut Forex Robot. As a professional trader and MQL5 programmer from EASY Trading Team, I aim to shed light on the pros and cons of each approach to help you make an informed decision. In this article, we will compare manual trading to trading with the MFM BreakOut robot, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each method, and invite users to share their experiences and preferences.

Manual Trading​

Manual trading involves making trading decisions based on your market analysis, experience, and intuition. This approach allows traders to leverage their expertise and adapt to ever-changing market conditions. However, it requires constant monitoring and a significant time commitment.

Advantages of Manual Trading:
- Flexibility: Traders can quickly adapt to changing market conditions and news events.
- Personal control: Direct involvement in trading decisions.
- Experience gain: Opportunities to learn and improve trading skills over time.

Disadvantages of Manual Trading:
- Time-consuming: Requires constant monitoring of the market.
- Emotional trading: Susceptibility to emotional decisions which can affect trading outcomes.
- Consistency: Maintaining a consistent trading strategy can be challenging, especially during volatile periods.

Trading with MFM BreakOut Robot​

The MFM BreakOut Forex Robot is a sophisticated automated trading system designed to execute trades based on predefined parameters. Utilizing such a robot can save time and reduce emotional involvement in trading.

Advantages of Using MFM BreakOut Robot:
- Time-saving: No need for constant market monitoring.
- Emotionless trading: Decisions are based on algorithms and not emotions.
- Backtesting: The ability to test the strategy on historical data before using it live.

Disadvantages of Using MFM BreakOut Robot:
- Lack of flexibility: The robot may not adapt quickly to sudden market changes.
- Technical issues: Dependence on technology which can sometimes fail.
- Cost: Initial purchase and regular updates or subscriptions can be expensive.

Advantages and Disadvantages​

Both manual trading and automated trading with the MFM BreakOut robot have their unique advantages and drawbacks. The choice between the two largely depends on your trading style, goals, and available time. Here’s a summary:

Manual Trading:
- Pros: Flexibility, personal control, experiential learning.
- Cons: Time-consuming, emotional influence, inconsistency.

Trading with MFM BreakOut Robot:
- Pros: Time-saving, emotionless trading, backtesting capabilities.
- Cons: Lack of flexibility, technical dependency, cost.

Source Code of MFM BreakOut​

It's essential to note that the original source code of the MFM BreakOut robot, sold on MQL5, is not publicly available. However, based on the detailed descriptions and reviews, the EASY Trading Team has developed a version of this robot. This code is a sample based on the known parameters and is intended for educational purposes. Traders interested in understanding or modifying the algorithm can reference this example.

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Download MFM BreakOut for Optimized Forex Trading​

If you have any questions about the code or need further clarification, feel free to ask. Our example code at is based on the MFM BreakOut robot described on MQL5. The EASY Trading Team does not sell the MFM BreakOut robot but has created a code based on its description for educational purposes. Invite your fellow traders to visit MFM BreakOut Forex Robot to review the real results and share their experiences.


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