Ivan EA


Apr 15, 2024


Let's take a journey into the world of automated trading with the examination of the trading robot, Ivan EA. With a rating of 5 and quite an enthusiastic comment from user LuckyOne23 stating On the right road with you, thank you guys :)!, one would think we're dealing with a stellar piece of software. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. As we in the EASY Trading Team know, all that glitters is not gold.

Description of Functions​

Ivan EA, the mysterious entry in the pantheon of trading robots, is a fully automated trading bot. Its functions? Well, those are yet to be determined, as a comprehensive list of its capabilities is not readily provided. However, we can assume from its description and performance, that it employs some form of technical analysis mechanism and perhaps a risk management system as well.

Analysis of Results​

Taking a look at the past year, the results seem impressive. However, we need to consider other factors such as market volatility and macroeconomic events that may not be entirely in the robot's control.

Pros and Cons​

On the plus side, we have a user rating of 5 and a vaguely positive user comment, while on the downside, we have a lack of functional transparency. I must say, the lack of information is somewhat disconcerting, but I suppose, in the words of some, mystery adds to the appeal.

The Source Code of Ivan EA​

As it stands, the actual source code of the original Ivan EA is unobtainable as it is sold on MQL5. However, based on the description available, the team at easytradingforum.com, as mentioned earlier, could make a loose interpretation of what the source code might look like.

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Download Ivan EA and Share your Trading Experience

Got questions about the code? Fire away on our forum. Remember, this is a hypothetical version of the Ivan EA robot code provided by easytradingforum.com, based on the description available on MQL5. EASY Trading Team does not sell Ivan EA but only created code based on its description.

In conclusion, I would urge you to approach Ivan EA with a certain level of skepticism. Good trading practices involve understanding the tools you're using, and with Ivan EA's lack of transparency, let's just say I wouldn't put all my money on it. However, we always encourage debate and discussion, so head over to our forum to share your views.