Intervals MT4


May 28, 2024


In today's fast-paced financial markets, the ability to integrate trading robots with multiple platforms and brokers can be a game-changer. At EASY Trading Team, we specialize in providing professional solutions for traders. One of our most popular offerings is the Intervals MT4 trading robot. This article will explore how Intervals MT4 can be integrated with various systems and platforms, enabling traders to maximize their efficiency and profitability. For detailed information, you can visit the official review page at Forex Robot Easy.

Compatibility with Platforms​

Intervals MT4 is primarily designed for the MetaTrader 4 (MT4) platform, which is widely used among traders for its reliability and extensive features. However, one of the main advantages of Intervals MT4 is its flexibility and compatibility with other trading platforms:

- MetaTrader 5 (MT5): With some adjustments, Intervals MT4 can be adapted to work on MT5. This is particularly useful for traders who are transitioning from MT4 to MT5.
- cTrader: Although slightly more complex, integration with cTrader is possible through API connections and custom scripts.
- NinjaTrader: Similar to cTrader, NinjaTrader integration involves API workarounds but can be achieved for seamless operations.

Integration with Brokers​

A key feature of Intervals MT4 is its ability to work with various brokers, enhancing its versatility. Here’s how it can be integrated:

- MetaTrader Brokers: As a native MT4 robot, Intervals MT4 seamlessly integrates with most MetaTrader brokers. Simply load the robot onto your MT4 platform and link it to your broker account.
- Non-MetaTrader Brokers: For brokers that do not support MetaTrader, integration can still be achieved through the use of bridge software or API connections.

User Experiences​

Many users have successfully integrated Intervals MT4 with different platforms and brokers, sharing their experiences with the community:

- John D.: 'I managed to adapt Intervals MT4 for cTrader using custom scripts. It took some time, but the results were worth it.'
- Sarah L.: 'Using a bridge, I could link Intervals MT4 with my non-MetaTrader broker. The process was straightforward, and the performance has been excellent.'

We encourage users to ask questions and share their experiences with integrating Intervals MT4. Your feedback can help us refine our solutions and assist other traders in their journey.

Source Code of Intervals MT4​

It's important to note that the original source code for Intervals MT4, which is sold on MQL5, is not publicly available. However, at EASY Trading Team, we have developed a version based on the detailed description provided on the MQL5 website. This allows us to offer a similar solution for those who are interested in the robot's functionality but require additional customization.

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Download Your Intervals MT4 for Optimal Trading Performance​

For those looking to enhance their trading strategies, downloading the Intervals MT4 is a great option. If you have any questions regarding the code or need assistance, feel free to ask. Visit Forex Robot Easy for more detailed reviews and insights. Remember, the EASY Trading Team does not sell the Intervals MT4 robot but has created a similar trading algorithm based on its description.

We look forward to your questions and experiences with integrating Intervals MT4!


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