Integration Challenges with the Trading Robot 'Close ALL mt5'


Apr 15, 2024
Hello Traders!

I've noticed that many of us have been experimenting with the trading robot 'Close ALL mt5' and it's proven to be a powerful tool. However, like any software, it may come with its own set of integration challenges. I wanted to create a space where we can share any technical or software compatibility issues we've encountered, and most importantly, how we resolved them.

The aim of this thread is to help each other navigate any difficulties and improve our overall trading experience with 'Close ALL mt5'. Whether it's a small glitch or a major hiccup, let's pool our knowledge and find solutions together.

For those who are struggling, there is a comprehensive troubleshooting guide available at This should provide you with some useful technical support information.

Please post your experiences, questions, and solutions below!

Happy Trading!

Note: Please remember to keep the conversation respectful and constructive.