[Discussion] Long-term Reliability of RSI Divergence Scanner trading robot


Apr 15, 2024
Hello fellow traders,

I would like to bring your attention towards a trading robot that has caught my eye recently. It's the RSI Divergence Scanner. I'm particularly interested in its long-term reliability.

As we all know, the durability and consistency of a trading robot are critical factors when considering it for long-term use. I'm curious about how it performs over a long stretch of time, in different market conditions.

I found a detailed review with performance data and longevity reports on Forex Robot Easy. It's quite informative and provides an in-depth evaluation of the robot. However, I'd love to hear from those who have actually used it for a significant period.

Have you used the RSI Divergence Scanner? How has it performed over the long run? I'm particularly interested in its consistency and how it holds up over time. Feel free to share your experiences, good or bad. Your insights would be greatly appreciated by anyone considering this trading robot for long-term use.

Looking forward to your responses.

Happy trading!