[Discussion] Long-term Reliability of 'Mini Averaging MT5' Trading Robot


Apr 15, 2024
Hello to all the traders out there!

I am currently considering investing in the Mini Averaging MT5 trading robot and I would like to hear about its long-term reliability from those who have been using it for a long period of time.

I am particularly interested in its durability and consistency. Can it withstand the test of time and different market conditions? Does it maintain consistent performance over the years?

The link below is to a detailed performance data and longevity reports I found on the robot. It provides a good amount of information but I'd like to also hear personal experiences.

Detailed Performance Data and Longevity Reports of Mini Averaging MT5

Please share your reviews and experiences, both positive and negative, to help me and others make an informed decision.

Looking forward to your responses.

Happy trading!