
May 28, 2024


As an experienced trader and programmer in MQL5, I've been closely associated with the EASY Trading Team. We've seen a variety of trading robots, but one that stands out is the CHILL and DREAM robot. Today, I'm going to delve into real case studies where this robot has been used in trading, discussing both successful and unsuccessful trades. Additionally, we'll analyze the reasons behind these outcomes and share user comments. We encourage you to share your own experiences on the forum. Detailed statistics about the robot are available on the official page: CHILL and DREAM Forex Software Review.

Successful Trade Examples​

One notable example of success with CHILL and DREAM comes from a user who reported making a 15% ROI within two months. This user had a disciplined approach, adhering strictly to the robot's default settings and avoiding manual interventions. Another user shared their experience of achieving a consistent 10% monthly gain by combining the robot’s strategy with their own market analysis, primarily focusing on low-volatility periods.

User Comment: 'I've been using CHILL and DREAM for six months and have seen a steady increase in my profits. The key is to stick to the recommended settings and not to over-leverage.'

Unsuccessful Trade Examples​

However, not all experiences have been positive. Several users reported losses due to not following the recommended guidelines. One trader experienced a 7% loss in a single month by attempting to alter the robot's parameters to fit a high-volatility market, which the robot isn’t designed for. Another user faced substantial drawdowns by over-leveraging their positions, resulting in a complete wipeout of their account.

User Comment: 'I modified the robot settings to take advantage of what I thought were profitable opportunities, but ended up losing a significant portion of my capital. I learned the hard way that it's crucial to follow the guidelines.'

Analysis of Success and Failure Reasons​

The disparity between success and failure often boils down to adherence to guidelines and understanding of the robot's design. Successful users typically follow the default settings and leverage the robot's strength in low-volatility periods. They also avoid manual interventions, which can disrupt the algorithm’s decisions.

In contrast, most failures come from deviations from the recommended practices. High leverage, trading during high-volatility periods, and altering default parameters can lead to unexpected losses. It's essential to understand that CHILL and DREAM is optimized for specific market conditions and should be used accordingly.


The CHILL and DREAM trading robot has proven to be a valuable tool for many traders, but success heavily depends on disciplined use and adherence to recommended settings. We encourage users to share their experiences and discuss strategies on our forum.

Source Code for CHILL and DREAM​

While the exact source code of the original CHILL and DREAM robot sold on MQL5 is not available, we at the EASY Trading Team have developed an example code based on its description. This can give you a good starting point for understanding how such a robot works. If you have questions about the code, feel free to ask on our forum.

It's important to note that EASY Trading Team does not sell CHILL and DREAM. We only provide an educational example based on its publicly available description.

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Download CHILL and DREAM Forex Robot Example Code​

For those interested in exploring the CHILL and DREAM robot, you can download our example code from This code is a great resource for traders looking to understand or create their own trading algorithms. If you have any questions, our community is here to help.


  • CHILL and DREAM.ex5
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