Alligator MoreTimeFrame


Apr 15, 2024


Well, well, what do we have here? It’s Alligator MoreTimeFrame, a trading robot that has entered our radar and piqued our interest. It seems to have no reviews and no rating. As veterans of this field, it's a little alarming. However, we are open-minded enough to check it out and perhaps, you dear reader, can join us in this endeavor to unravel the truth. So, who's up for a little treasure hunt? Head over to our forum and share what you uncover about Alligator MoreTimeFrame.

Description of Functions​

The Alligator MoreTimeFrame, as the name suggests, is a trading robot built on the concept of the Alligator indicator for multiple timeframes. It promises to navigate the forex market jungle with the precision of an alligator hunting its prey, but how it does so, we are yet to discover. Supposedly, it factors in market trends at different time frames to generate trading signals resulting in higher profit probabilities. However, the real proof of the crocodile lies in the eating, or in this case, the trading.

Analysis of Results​

Unfortunately, the trading results for Alligator MoreTimeFrame from the past year are not readily available. Apparently, the alligator is a bit shy to show its performance metrics. Any serious trader would raise an eyebrow at this. Here at EASY Trading Team, we believe in transparency and measurable result. So, dear reader, we encourage you to share your findings and results on our forum. Let's dig deeper into this.

Pros and Cons​

In terms of its strengths, having a trading strategy based on multiple timeframes can potentially navigate market volatility better. It might also reduce false signals and improve the profit and loss ratio. However, without concrete trading results, we can't be certain of these claims.

On the flip side, the lack of reviews and performance metrics is a significant red flag. And it's a bit curious that a robot with such fascinating features doesn't seem to be buzzing in the trading community.

Source Code of Alligator MoreTimeFrame​

Now we come to the mysterious part, the sorcerer's spell, the source code. Apparently, the original source code from MQL5 is not available. However, we can reverse engineer the code based on the description provided on the MQL5 website. If you have any questions regarding this example code, feel free to ask. Remember, this is just an approximation and not the actual Alligator MoreTimeFrame code. The EASY Trading Team does not sell this product.

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Download Alligator MoreTimeFrame and Explore Its Trading Potential

If you think you have the nerve to tackle the unknown, then go ahead and download Alligator MoreTimeFrame. See if it makes your trading easier or just adds more complexity. Bear in mind that this is just an example from We will eagerly wait for your findings and experiences. And remember, the best way to forecast the future is by understanding the past.

Happy trading!

Note: The EASY Trading Team is not selling Alligator MoreTimeFrame. We only provide a coding example based on the description available on the MQL5 website.